We, the People of the United States, by the Natural Rights given to us by God, duly form a well Regulated network of 50 independent NAPALM Constitutional State Militas, in recognition of our inherent rights as free citizens and in adherence to the principles laid down in the Constitution of the United States, the Federalist Papers, and the Declaration of Independence, hereby establish these bylaws to govern our actions and operations.
Article I: Name and Purpose
1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network. Hereby refered to as NAPALM.
1.2 Purpose: The purpose of NAPALM is to uphold the principles of liberty, defend the Constitution of the United States, and protect the rights and freedoms of the American people.
Article II: Membership
2.1 Eligibility: Membership in NAPALM is open to all lawful citizens of the United States, State Nationals, or Sovereign Nationals residing in America, who are of sound mind and who are committed to the defense of liberty.
2.2 Rights and Responsibilities: Members of NAPALM shall have the right to bear arms in accordance with the Second Amendment of the Constitution. They shall also have the responsibility to participate in training exercises, uphold the principles of the organization, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Article III: Leadership
3.1 Command Structure: NAPALM shall operate under a hierarchical command structure, with officers elected by the membership. The highest level commamd authority of the individual NAPALM State Militas, is the State Commander in Chief.
3.2 Duties of Officers: Officers shall be responsible for overseeing the operations of the militia, organizing training exercises, and ensuring that members adhere to the principles and bylaws of the organization.
Article IV: Training
4.1 Training Exercises: The NAPALM Constitutional State Militia shall conduct regular training exercises to ensure that members are proficient in the use of firearms, tactics, and other necessary skills for the defense of liberty.
4.2 Education: The militia shall also provide educational opportunities for members to learn about the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, The Declaration of Independence and other founding documents that uphold the principles of liberty.
Article V: Deployment
5.1 Activation Principle: The Constitutional State Militia may be activated in times of Constitutional emergency, tyrannical oppression, or when called upon to assist US Government authorities in the defense of the nation or the community.
5.2 Authority: When activated, members of the militia shall operate under the authority of the designated Commanding Officer, in accordance with the laws of the United States and the principles of the Constitution.
5.3 Appointment of Commanding Officers
5.3.1 Selection Process: Commanding Officers of each state militia are chosen through a democratic process by the State Leadership Council, a committee democratically elected to oversee the functions of each Independent State NAPALM Militia within their respective states.
5.3.2 Democratic Oversight: The State Leadership Council ensures that the selection of Commanding Officers is conducted fairly and transparently, with candidates elected based on their leadership capabilities and commitment to the principles of NAPALM.
5.3.3 Appointment of Lower Ranking Officers: Lower ranking officers within each state militia are appointed by the respective State Commander, in accordance with the organizational structure and needs of the militia.
5.4 Activation of State Militia
5.4.1 Democratic Activation Process: The activation of each State Militia is conducted through a democratic vote by the State Leadership Council. A majority vote is required to activate the militia for planned operations or responses to non-immediate threats.
5.4.2 Emergency Activation: In cases of immediate threats or emergencies where there is no time for a formal vote, the State Commander is authorized to activate the NAPALM State Militia for immediate response. Such activations must be reported to the State Leadership Council at the earliest opportunity for validation and oversight.
5.5 Formation and Elections of the State Leadership Council
5.5.1 Composition: The State Leadership Council is comprised of each County Militia Leader within the individual state. Each County Militia Leader represents their respective county's militia on the council.
5.5.2 Election Process: County Militia Leaders are democratically elected by the local members of the militia within their county. Elections for county and state militia leadership positions occur annually on January 6th.
5.5.3 Eligibility to Run for Office: Any good-standing militia member is eligible to run for office as a County Militia Leader or State Commander.
5.5.4 Voting Procedures: Voting procedures for county and state militia elections include hand ballot counting or mass video counting. All voting decisions are made public to ensure transparency and accountability within the democratic process.
Article VI: Dissolution
6.1 Dissolution: In the event that NAPALM is dissolved, its assets shall be distributed in accordance with the wishes of the membership, with any remaining funds donated to charitable organizations that uphold the principles of liberty and justice.
Article VII: Amendments
7.1 Amendment Process: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the National Leadership Counsel membership, provided that the proposed amendments are consistent with the principles of liberty and the Constitution of the United States.
Article VIII: Oath
8.1 Oath of Allegiance: All members of NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network shall swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution for the United States and to uphold the principles of liberty and justice for all.
Article XI: Individual Responsibility
9.1 Personal Accountability: Each member of NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network shall be personally responsible for their actions. While acting on behalf of the militia, individuals may be held legally accountable for their conduct.
9.2 Upholding the Constitution: All actions taken by members of NAPALM must be in good conscience and alignment with the principles of upholding the Constitution and defending the American Republic from tyranny.
9.3 Exemption for National & State Leadership Council: The National & State Leadership Councils of NAPALM shall not be held responsible for the actions or rhetoric of individual members, provided that said actions & rhetoric were not directly sanctioned or directed by the councils.
Article X: Wavier of Liability
10.1 Acknowledgment of Risks: Prior to becoming a member of the NAPALM, individuals must sign a waiver acknowledging that they may face harassment, arrest, imprisonment, or threats to their safety or the safety of their families by a tyrannical government.
10.2 Informed Consent: By signing the waiver, members acknowledge that they understand the risks associated with their participation in the militia and affirm their commitment to upholding the principles of liberty and defending the Constitution, even in the face of potential consequences imposed by a tyrannical government.
Article XI: State Sovereignty and National Advisory Role
11.1 Independence of State Militias: Each individual sovereign state militia within the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia framework retains complete sovereignty over its actions and operations. The National Leadership Council has no authority over the individual state militias.
11.2 Advisory Role of National Leadership Council: The National Leadership Council serves solely as an advisory board to assist in strategizing, recruiting, and promoting the independent NAPALM Constitutional State Militias nationwide. It aims to structure a network of independent state militias and may facilitate coordination during national emergency scenarios.
11.3 Recommendation and Advisory Nature: Procedures and state militia bylaws recommended or crafted by the National Leadership Council are advisory in nature. The ultimate responsibility for the actions taken to secure liberty lies with the leadership of each state militia.
11.4 Non-Organizational Role: The National Leadership Council does not organize a national militia. Instead, it acts as a representative and advisory committee to the individual state militias, and may fostering collaboration and cohesion across the network.
Article XII: Pursuit of Peace and Constitutional Governance
12.1 Objective: The ultimate goal of NAPALM is to promote peace, domestic tranquility, and uphold strictly constitutional governance within the United States.
12.2 Operating within Constitutional Authority: The militia operates under the full authority outlined by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution of the United States.
12.3 Preference for Peaceful Resolution: Every effort will be made to seek peace and negotiation with any tyrannical government, opposing foreign or domestic enemy repugnat to our Liberty, before resorting to physically defensive action.
12.4 Last Resort Defense: NAPALM serves as a last resort defense organization, activating in response to breaches of the Constitution by a tyrannical government.
12.5 Responsibility of Tyrannical Government: The decision to engage with the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network ultimately lies with any tyrannical government that violates the Constitution, prompting a response from the militia.
12.6 Faith-Based Operation: NAPALM operates with faith in the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ. Our actions are guided by our love for the American way of life, aiming to preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of godliness for all citizens.
Article XIII: Principles and Mission of NAPALM
13.1 Preservation of Constitutional Rule of Law: The actions taken by NAPALM shall aim to ensure liberty for our posterity and uphold the Constitutional rule of law for generations to come.
13.2 Response to Societal Breakdown: The formation of the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network has been prompted by the breakdown of American society and the weaponization of government institutions, resulting in political persecution of citizens.
13.3 Responsive Nature: NAPALM operates as a responsive organization, acting in reaction to the degradation of the Constitution and the erosion of liberties.
13.4 Commitment to Defense: NAPALM pledges to never take aggressive action but to remain steadfast in defense of "We The People" of the United States and our collective liberty.
Article XIV: Condemnation of Cowardice and Paralysis
14.1 Courage in the Face of Tyranny: NAPALM vehemently condemns cowardice and paralysis in the face of tyranny.
14.2 Duty to Stand Firm: It is the duty of every member of the militia to stand firm against tyranny, regardless of personal risk or sacrifice.
14.3 Resolute Action: We reject passivity and inaction when confronted with threats to our liberties and the Constitution.
14.4 Courageous Response: The essence of our mission lies in the courageous response to tyranny, ensuring that the flame of liberty burns brightly for future generations.
14.5 Resilience and Resolve: In the face of adversity, we must exhibit resilience and unwavering resolve to safeguard the principles of freedom and justice upon which our Nation was founded.
Article XV: Second Amendment Protection
15.1 Protection of Second Amendment Rights: The NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network is a group protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms, as well as form the Militas that ensure these Natural Rights are protected.
15.2 Illegal Encroachment Prohibited: Any encroachment upon our free exercise of the right to form militias is deemed illegal and unconstitutional.
15.3 Accountability for Breach of Rights: Federal or government agents tasked with illegally spying on, obstructing, sabotaging, or stifling the free exercise of the Second Amendment by NAPALM militia members are in direct breach of the Constitution.
15.4 Legal Consequences: Those found in breach of the Constitution and violating our Second Amendment rights will be held accountable to the full extent of the law, facing legal consequences for their actions.
Article XVI: Democratic Governance of the National Leadership Council
16.1 Democratic Decision-Making: The National Leadership Council operates as a democratic organization, where any advisory resolution proposed by the council is subject to a vote and ratification by a fifty percent majority of the council members.
16.2 Voting Procedure: Voting sessions of the National Leadership Council occur once a month, providing ample opportunity for deliberation and consideration of proposed resolutions.
16.3 Majority Approval: Resolutions must garner the support of at least fifty percent of the council members to be ratified and implemented.
16.4 Ongoing Communication and Strategy: In addition to monthly voting sessions, the National Leadership Council conducts weekly update and strategy sessions to ensure continuous communication and collaboration among its members.
Article XVII: Commitment to Prayerful Consideration and Sacrifice
17.1 Invocation of Prayer: The signers of this bylaws agreement are asked to engage in prayerful consideration before God, seeking guidance and wisdom in their commitment to the cause of American Liberty.
17.2 Willingness to Sacrifice: In this solemn prayerful reflection, members are called upon to contemplate the possibility of giving up their lives, if necessary, in the defense of the Constitution and the principles of liberty.
17.3 Glorious Cause of American Liberty: It is recognized that the defense of American Liberty is a noble and glorious cause, worthy of the highest sacrifice if required to preserve the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.
17.4 Divine Guidance: Through prayer and reflection, members are encouraged to seek divine guidance and strength as they dedicate themselves to the protection of the Constitution and the liberties it guarantees for all Americans.
These bylaws are established in accordance with the principles of liberty and the Constitution of the United States, and shall serve as the guiding principles for the operation of the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network.
Signed and ratified on this day, [Date], by the founding members of the NAPALM Constitutional State Militia Network.

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